Detailed features of streaming servers

Icecast was developed by the Xiph open media organization and is a modification of HTTP (Hyper Text Transport Protocol was developed by the Internet engineering Task Force and provides a definitive architecture for data communications between a client and server).
Icecast was initially released in 1999, it is written in C language, TCP is used to transport the data which is used to distribute web page data over the Internet. IceCast uses special meta tag data that is placed within HTTP communications headers. TCP is used to transport the data. IceCast is a streaming media (audio/video) server which currently supports Ogg (Vorbis and Theora), Opus, WebM and MP3 streams.
New formats can be added easily to provide an open source audio streaming server that anyone could modify, use, and tinker with. Icecast can be used to create an internet radio station, The Icecast server is able to stream audio content as Opus or Vorbis over standard HTTP(Hyper Text Transport Protocol), video as WebM or Theora over HTTP, MP3 over the communications protocol used by Shoutcast, AAC, and NSV over the Shoutcast protocol (Theora, AAC, and NSV are only supported in version 2.2.0 and newer).
Icecast requires external programs, called “source clients”, to originate the streams, and the Icecast project includes a source client program known as IceS. Since version 2.4.0 source clients can use plain HTTP standard PUT requests instead of the custom SOURCe method. Media players that support IceCast streams or are known to work with Icecast VLC (Linux/Unix, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS), Internet radio box(IOS), StreamS HiFi Radio App(iOS, tvOS), TuneIn Radio (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry) FStream(iOS, MacOS), Winamp 2.x/5.x (MP3, OGG Vorbis)- (Windows), foobar2000 (MP3, OGG Vorbis)- (Windows), Xine (Linux/Unix), XMMS (MP3, OGG Vorbis)- (Linux/Unix) and so on.
Source client that are compatible with IceCast Liquidsoap (Linux/Unix, MacOS, Windows), RoarAudio (Linux/Unix, MacOS, Windows), butt (broadcast using this tool)- (Linux/Unix, MacOS, Windows), Mixxx (Linux/Unix, MacOS, Windows), Music Player Daemon (MPD)- (Linux/Unix, MacOS), Traktor DJ Studio (Linux/Unix, MacOS), Ices (Linux/Unix), DarkIce (Linux/Unix), Ladiocast (MacOS) and so on.
Icecast is being distributed under the GNU GPL, version 2. It can be used to create an Internet radio station or a privately running jukebox and many things in between. Icecast directory site:

Shoutcast is a web hosting and streaming online radio that has a number of advantages to bring to the consumer, it offers streaming online radio, so that one can make use of the many different channels, opinions, and talents that are out there on the airwaves today.
Shoutcast was Created in 1998, Shoutcast’s streaming protocol uses metadata tags and responses that all start with ICY, which stands for “I Can Yell.” Nullsoft was purchased by AOL on June 1, 1999. No matter what your area of specialty or interest is, Shoutcast has a network that can cover you, keeping you informed, entertained, and taken care of in the 21st Century marketplace.
What kinds of things can you expect from Shoutcast Internet Radio?
Perfect streaming: Someone, who puts Shoutcast to use for them, can host their own Internet radio service and take advantage of the thousands of free channels that are already out there, which cover a variety of different topics, from rock music to talk radio. The streaming is, for the most part, flawless, because it is backed by one of the premier web hosting platforms in the world today. Global Access: It does not matter where you are located. You can have access to a global audience if you so prefer. That global audience gives you the chance to air your opinions, your talents, and your music preferences to anyone, who is willing to listen. Technology is bringing people from all walks of life together in a manner that it never has before. Shoutcast is one of the shining examples of this togetherness, and with a very bright future for the Internet ahead, there are no signs of it slowing down any time soon.
Pursuit of Passions: What makes Shoutcast a preferred choice for many is not the hosting power that runs behind the scenes-as amazing as that is-but the ability to put one’s passions to work for them. Back in the day, people had little choice but to take what was given to them as their “lot in life.” Today one can sound off about the things that bother them, start a business that speaks to who they are and what they believe as people, and even find followers on a global scale.
They can enjoy the camaraderie of people from all over the country and the world, who share similar tastes. They can essentially use the Internet to be the way that they work toward world peace. Shoutcast directory site:

Steamcast is a streaming media server which has the capabilities of both Shoutcast and Icecast2 with some extra features. Steamcast is written to be extremely light, stable and scalable. Steamcast supported LiquidSoap, Altacast/Edcast, SAM Broadcaster, RadioBOSS and Shoutcast DSP. This directory now supports the following file formats: Mp3, OGG(Vorbis and Opus), NSV, NSA(AAC), aacPlus. The Steamcast directory is an open directory based off the Icecast2 YP framework.
Shoutcast was Created in 1998, Shoutcast’s streaming protocol uses metadata tags and responses that all start with ICY, which stands for “I Can Yell.” Nullsoft was purchased by AOL on June 1, 1999. No matter what your area of specialty or interest is, Shoutcast has a network that can cover you, keeping you informed, entertained, and taken care of in the 21st Century marketplace.
Steamcast directory site: